October Letter from the Chair

Incredibly, it’s already October! As many business owners and managers close out the third quarter, they reflect on their organization’s status with annual goals and milestones. With three months to go, 2023 will be over. Is your business meeting expectations? Exceeding expectations? Or is it struggling?

Your Chamber of Commerce is always here to help! Take full advantage of your membership by participating in the frequent networking and marketing opportunities the Chamber provides. Reach out to our resourceful and connected Chamber staff and share the needs your organization may have. The Chamber just may be able to match you with the resource that will help meet those needs!

You will also find that other Chamber Members are eager to help. The Davie Chamber of Commerce is a family of business members actively seeking to support each other. Together, we build more sense of community and more success!

Melinda Szeliga,

Board Chairwoman, Davie Chamber of Commerce