Venture Davie


Local Entrepreneurs & Investors Spurring Growth Together

This 3-month accelerated program will give selected participants tools from local professionals to create a solid foundation for a successful business. Venture Davie is a collaboration between the Davie County Chamber of Commerce, Davie Community Foundation, and Davidson-Davie Community College Small Business Center.

Download the Brochure

Apply for the September – November 2024 Class

How is the program designed?

This 6-session program is designed to meet the demanding schedules of parents, young adults, and those with jobs. This program is to help you navigate through the process of starting your own business. Professional speakers will lead you through each session, giving you firsthand knowledge of being an entrepreneur. No prior experience is needed.

What is the cost of the program?

There is no cost to attend these classes! We know that starting a small business can be challenging, so we want to be there to support you on your journey.

What if I don’t know much about business?
Not a problem, and that’s why you signed up! This program is designed to help regular people explore and establish businesses in Davie County. All you have to do is have an idea, and we give you the tools to make the best decisions for your business.
What if I don’t have a business idea?
We think you should wait to sign up. This class is for individuals who want to take an idea and hopefully make it a reality. The program is fast-paced and focuses on outcomes for your specific business.
Will everyone be expected to start a business?
Absolutely not! We want you to succeed and give you the tools and knowledge to do so. Our goal is to reduce your risk and improve your likelihood of success, and sometimes, that means NOT starting a business. We would love to see all participants successfully start their businesses, but each person is different, and each idea is unique.

Congratulations to the 2023 Class of Venture Davie!

From Left to Right: Mixed Media, Tuttle Motorsports LLC, Elevated Catering
Angel Investors:  Gray Angell, Neal Cheek, Bill Junker, and Phil Fuller